Well, well, well. What better way to begin the new year than with a bright, shiny, new blog? Yes, I did wallow in self-doubt for a few days. But really. It is only seven days into the new year after all.
And so, I begin with a confession. I can just hear the ears of the interwebs perking. I am a blog lurker. Yes, indeed. I am. And a thought lurker, too. Because even as I have checked my favorite blogs, marveling at the writers' wit, charm, typing skills, beautiful photos of knicks n knacks n things....a thought has lurked in the back of my little mind. "Hmmm, Our Lady, you just might like to have a blog of your very own."
And even though it will most likely be a very shallow blog, a very superficial blog, a blog viewed by very few, it will be a place for Our Lady to....well, we shall see what it will be a place for.
I know. A photo. Now this photo did not go exactly where Our Lady envisioned it would. No matter. Just look what Our Lady has made. A pretty jar of homemade vanilla extract. Embarrassingly easy to accomplish. I imposed upon my good friend Professor J. to design a becoming label for my jar. He did not fail. He has a canny little blog of his own here. I know the vanilla is not a stitchy thing. But it is a yummy, fun thing.
you know perhaps this is the year you find Mr Hook just around the next corner...
happiest of happy new years to you and good luck with the blogging. your profile made me smile :)
Tif x
I too am a blog lurker. I left a comment yesterday for the first time ever over at dotties, that is where I found your blog. Congrats on having the nerve to get your great blog started. Maybe seeing you take the jump is just the push I need. I will be visiting daily as I am an unashamed blog addict. This is great that I get to follow you from the very beginning. I am excited for you.
Sherri in Anacortes WA
Tif, thanks so much for visiting my little space on the vast interwebs. Your encouraging words have had a most positive effect on my resolve to master the art of crochet as well as blogging. Oh yes. Blogging is an art.
Sherri, how exciting to see your kind words this morning. I am delighted you would take the time to visit. And....as I clickitty-clicked on your profile what did I behold? It seems there is a blog listed there. A blog with a most charming title. An empty blog page. I wonder if this might indicate you have dipped your toe into the waters with your comments and found them not too cold and have begun your own blogginess. What fun!!
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